

马苏德·佩泽什基安在一场激烈的现场辩论中猛烈抨击了他的强硬派对手,指责他们支持占领沙特和英国大使馆以及破坏 2015 年核协议的恢复。
An Iranian woman without wearing mandatory headscarves walks past electoral posters in Tehran, Iran, on June 20, 2024. Iran is holding snap presidential elections to choose the next president after the death of Ebrahim Raisi in a helicopter crash. People in Iran are increasingly showing less interest in casting their vote in the snap presidential election scheduled on June 28 after the disqualification of several candidates by the country's religious Guardian Council. Voter turnouts have hit historically lo



占据中心位置的是围绕恢复 2015 年伊朗核协议的争议和派系问题,自 2018 年美国前总统唐纳德·特朗普放弃该协议以来,该协议一直处于岌岌可危的状态,给受到制裁的伊朗经济带来了冲击。


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