
员工被指控参与 10 月 7 日事件后,美国暂停向近东救济工程处提供资金

美国暂停向联合国巴勒斯坦难民机构提供新资金,同时审查该机构部分员工参与哈马斯 10 月 7 日袭击以色列的指控。
KHAN YUNIS, GAZA - NOVEMBER 22: UNRWA distributes flour to Palestinian refugees on November 22, 2023 in Khan Yunis, Gaza. On Tuesday night, Israel and Hamas agreed to a four-day pause in fighting that would entail the release of 50 hostages, as well as the release of 150 Palestinian prisoners. But the start of the short-term truce had not been confirmed as of Wednesday morning and air strikes continued in the territory overnight.

华盛顿——美国国务院已暂停向联合国巴勒斯坦难民机构提供额外资金,同时审查该机构 12 名员工参与哈马斯 10 月 7 日对以色列的袭击的指控。

联合国救济和工程处(简称近东救济工程处)周五表示,已终止几名雇员的合同,同时调查他们涉嫌参与哈马斯致命袭击事件,武装分子在这次袭击中杀害了 1,200 人,并劫持了约 240 名人质回到加沙地带。



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