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Clinton Middle East advisor may join State team

Rob Malley, Former Middle East advisor to President Bill Clinton, may join the State Department Middle East team as a Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs.
United States Secretary of State John Kerry walks to lunch with members his negotiating team, including Robert Malley (L) from the U.S. National Security Council, following a meeting with Iran's Foreign Minister Javad Zarif over Iran's nuclear program in Lausanne March 20, 2015.     REUTERS/Brian Snyder    - RTR4U6JU

Rob Malley, a former Middle East advisor to President Bill Clinton, may join the State Department Middle East team, diplomatic sources tell the Back Channel.

Malley, currently the Middle East director of the International Crisis Group, may come on with the title of Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs, sources said. It’s not clear or decided yet, however, if his portfolio would focus on the peace process (Israel Palestinian Affairs) or possibly Syria, sources said. (Current DAS for Israel Palestinian Affairs David Hale, the acting Middle East peace special envoy, is expected to be nominated US envoy to Lebanon, The Back Channel previously reported, while US ambassador to Syria Robert Ford, who has been technically filling a DAS slot since the US embassy in Damascus closed in 2011, would like to step down this summer.)

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