$4 Million
LATEST UPDATES Last updated on July 17, 2020
Mercury Public Affairs
(for Q Cyber Technologies)
Hired: Dec. 2019
Contract: $1.4 million/year
NEW Informational materials
For Israeli spyware company Q Cyber Technologies, Mercury distributed a statement after an Amnesty International effort to block the export license of a linked company, NSO Group, failed in an Israeli court.
B'Tselem USA
Registered: 2010
2019 fees: $0
NEW Q2 domestic lobbying filing
B’Tselem USA spent less than $5,000 on in-house lobbying in the second quarter. The group lobbied Congress on “issues related to infringement of Palestinians' human rights.”
Zionist Organization of America
2019 fees: $200,000
NEW Q2 domestic lobbying filing
The Zionist Organization of America spent $40,000 (down from $50,000 in Q1) to lobby Congress, the office of Vice President Mike Pence and the Department of Education on support for US-Israeli “political, military and economic cooperation,” measures to “prevent Iran from achieving a military nuclear capability” and fighting anti-Semitism, notably on US campuses. And Joel Kassiday is no longer registered to lobby on the Zionist Organization of America’s in-house account.
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA
Registered: 2002
2019 fees: $2.4 million
Holland and Knight
(for Teva Pharmaceuticals USA)
Hired: Feb. 2019
2019 fees: $120,000
(for Teva Pharmaceuticals USA)
Hired: April 2019
2019 fees: $235,000
NEW Q2 domestic lobbying filings
Teva Pharmaceuticals USA, a subsidiary of an Israeli pharmaceutical company, spent $580,000 (up from $430,000 in Q1) on in-house lobbying in the second quarter. The company paid Polsinelli $80,000 (the same as Q1) and paid Holland and Knight $30,000 (the same as Q1) to lobby on drug price legislation and coronavirus stimulus legislation. Kerry Feehery is no longer registered to work on Holland and Knight's Teva account.
Rafael USA
(for Rafael Advanced Defense Systems)
Registered: 2002
2019 fees: $0
NEW Q2 domestic lobbying filing
In-house lobbyists for Rafael USA, which lobbies for its Israeli parent — Rafael Advanced Defense Systems — reported no activity and less than $5,000 in fees during the second quarter.
Israeli-American Coalition for Action
Hired: March 2017
2018 fees: $550,000
NEW Q4 domestic lobbying filing (termination)
The Israeli-American Coalition for Action terminated its in-house lobbying operations on Dec. 31.
Hadassah (the Women's Zionist Organization of America)
Hired: Sept. 2018
2019 fees: $120,000
NEW Q2 domestic lobbying filing
Hadassah, the Women’s Zionist Organization of America, spent $30,000 in the second quarter lobbying the following entities — Congress, the State Department and the US Agency for International Development — on Holocaust education, efforts to combat the pro-Palestinian boycott on Israel, and Hamas sanctions.
Paul McHale
(for Rafael USA)
Hired: 2012
2019 fees: $0
NEW Q2 domestic lobbying filing (termination)
Former Congressman Paul McHale terminated his lobbying registration for Rafael USA, the US subsidiary of Israeli defense company Rafael Advanced Defense Systems, on June 30. McHale, who had been registered to lobby for the company since 2013, never disclosed any lobbying activity for the company.
American Jewish Committee
Hired: Jan. 2019
2019 fees: $88,000
NEW Q1 domestic lobbying filing
The American Jewish Committee spent $38,000 on in-house lobbying in the first quarter. The group lobbied Congress on legislation that would appropriate $50 million per year for a Partnership Fund for Peace promoting Palestine’s private sector by improving its cooperation with the United States and Israel (the group supports the legislation). The AJC also lobbied on refugee and asylum issues, as well as legislation strengthening anti-hate crime laws, which the group supports.
American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC)
Registered: 2003
2018 fees: $3.5 million
NEW Related news
The American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) is cancelling its 2021 conference in Washington amid concerns about the coronavirus pandemic. “Given the continued uncertainties created by the COVID-19 pandemic and without a predictable avenue to safely bring together thousands of pro-Israel Americans, we have been forced to cancel the 2021 AIPAC policy conference,” the group’s president, Betsy Berns Korn, wrote in an email to members. Read more here.
- Hired: 1987
- Latest Contract:
- 2019 fees: $817,000
- Latest Filing
Claire Reade
Senior counsel
Samuel Witten
Former principal deputy assistant secretary of state
Registered agents
- Hired: 1991
- 2018 fees: $204,000
- Latest Filing
Other Sidley Austin clients
- Hired: 2018
- 2018 fees: $0
Meital Stavinsky
Registered agents
Other Holland and Knight clients
- Hired: 2014
- 2019 fees: $14.8 million
Spent $14.8 million
- Latest Filing
- Denise Talarico Charlier Bissacot
- Monica Cruz
- Cristina Cunillera
- Cristina De Jesus Cunillera
- Eliana Di Domizio
- Virginia Elias
- Maria Jose Ezquerra
- Wendolyn Garrido
- Frederick Harvie
- Idalma Llanos
- Evelyn Marino
- Enrique Ortega
- Melanie Pudles
- Allegra Reich
- Maria Ruiz
- Alejandra Sanchez
- Mayerly Sepulveda
- Rebecca Shujman
- Lorraine Soto
- Katherine Terc-Acosta
- Diana de la Torriente
Registered agents
- Hired: 2017
- 2018 fees: $440,000
- Latest Filing
- Hired: 2019
- 2019 fees: $0
- 2018 total: 40 trips; $443,000
- Registered: 2003
- Latest Filing
- Alex Bronzo
- Jeffrey Colman
- Marvin Feuer
- Michael Fleischman
- David Gillette
- Enia Krivine
- Ester Kurz
- Joshua Nason
- Samuel Peyton
- Deborah Saxon
- 2019 fees: $3 million
Registered agents
- Hired: 2016
- Latest Filing
- Terry Allen
- 2019 fees: $45,000
Registered agents
Other Fidelis Government Relations clients
- Latest Filing
- Moran Banai
- Michael Lieberman
- David Weinberg
- 2019 fees: $200,000
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- 2019 fees: $140,000
Registered agents
No currently registered agents
- Registered: 2016
- Latest Filing
- Alexandria Paolozzi
- Boris Zilberman
- 2019 fees: $180,000
Registered agents
- Registered: 2019
- Latest Filing
- Karen Paikin Barall
- 2019 fees: $120,000
- Hired: 2005
- Latest Filing
- 2019 fees: $20,000
Registered agents
No currently registered agents
- Hired: 2013
- Latest Filing
- David Brandwein
- Melissa Levinson
- Lior Nagola
- Noa Osterweil
Arthur Sandman
Director and chairman
Registered agents
- Hired: 2018
- Latest Filing
- Jeffrey Bozman
- Zachary Mears
- Stephen Rademaker
- 2019 fees: $0
Registered agents
Other Covington & Burling clients
- Registered: 2008
- Latest Filing
- Jackie Blank
- Kyle Fradkin
- Ashley Freiberger
- Hannah Morris
- Debra Shushan
- Dylan Williams
- 2019 fees: $400,000
Registered agents
- Registered: 2002
- Latest Filing
- Noah Silverman
- 2019 fees: $160,000
Registered agents
- Registered: 1971
- Latest Filing
- 2018 expenditures: $6.7 million
No currently registered agents
- Registered: 2002
- Registered: 2002
- Latest Filing
Azarel Ram
President & CEO
- 2019 fees: $0
- Hired: 2012
- Latest Filing
- Paul McHale
- 2019 fees: $0
- Hired: 2017
- Latest Filing
Clarine Nardi Riddle
Former Connecticut attorney general
- Justin Rubin
- John Thomas
- 2019 fees: $525,000
- Hired: 2002
Registered agents
Registered agents
Registered agents
Other Kasowitz Benson Torres clients
No currently registered agents
- Hired: 2018
- Latest Filing
- Thomas Stapleton
- 2019 fees: $80,000
- Hired: 2017
- Latest Filing
- Jeffrey Bozman
- Samantha Clark
- Zachary Mears
- 2019 fees: $110,000
Registered agents
Registered agents
Other Covington & Burling clients
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- Todd Harmer
- 2019 fees: $0
Registered agents
Other American Defense International clients
- Hired: 2016
- Latest Filing
- Jeffrey Bozman
- Zachary Mears
- 2019 fees: $200,000
Registered agents
Other Covington & Burling clients
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- 2019 fees: $256,000
- Hired: 2020
No currently registered agents
Other Kasowitz Benson Torres clients
Registered agents
Other Kasowitz Benson Torres clients
- Hired: 2018
- Latest Filing
No currently registered agents
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- Elizabeth Roberts
- Judith Zink
- 2019 fees: $80,000
Registered agents
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- Justin Rubin
- John Thomas
- 2019 fees: $90,000
Registered agents
Other Kasowitz Benson Torres clients
- Hired: 2020
- Latest Filing
- Justin Rubin
- John Thomas
Registered agents
Other Kasowitz Benson Torres clients
- Hired: 2002
- Latest Filing
- Michael Brzica
- Dolly Judge
- Colman Ragan
- 2019 fees: $2.4 million
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
Paul Bock
Kathryn Lehman
Michael Werner
- 2019 fees: $120,000
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- James Davidson
- Julius Hobson
- Sylvia Kornegay
- Harry Sporidis
- Steve Stranne
- 2019 fees: $235,000
Registered agents
Registered agents
Other Holland and Knight clients
Registered agents
- Hired: 2018
- Latest Filing
- Samantha Buchalter
- Andrew Harker
- Tyson Redpath
Randy Russell
- Jessica Schulken
- Karla Thieman
- 2019 fees: $200,000
Registered agents
- Hired: 2018
- Latest Filing
- Mary Baker
Dan Crowley
Barton Gordon
Former Congressman
Slade Gorton
Former senator
- Roderick Hall
- Scott Nelson
- Kathleen Nicholas
- Dennis Potter
Daniel Ritter
- W. Dennis Stephens
Steven Valentine
Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General
James Walsh
Former congressman
- 2019 fees: $10,000
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- 2019 fees: $20,000
Registered agents
No currently registered agents
- Hired: 2018
- Latest Filing
Alan Larson
Former Undersecretary of State for Economic, Business, and Agricultural Affairs
- 2019 fees: $10,000
Registered agents
Other Covington & Burling clients
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- 2019 fees: $20,000
No currently registered agents
- Hired: 2018
- 2019 fees: $15,000
No currently registered agents
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- 2019 fees: $90,000
No currently registered agents
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- 2019 fees: $170,000
No currently registered agents
Other Covington & Burling clients
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
Frank Guinta
Former congressman, R-N.H.
- Alex Hecht
- Aaron Josephson
- 2019 fees: $40,000
Registered agents
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
Daniel Bank
Toby Denselow
Vice president
Nicole Flotterton
Senior vice president
- John Gallagher
- Alicia Kimmelman
- Ian McCaleb
- Louis Rynsard
George Tucker
Senior vice president
Registered agents
Other Mercury Public Affairs clients
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
No currently registered agents
Other Kasowitz Benson Torres clients
- Hired: 2020
- Matthew Berzok
- Nick Kolovos
Registered agents
- Hired: 2018
- Latest Filing
- Gary Apfel
- Alan Dershowitz
Louis Freeh
Former FBI director
- Gregory Paw
- 2019 fees: $30,000
Registered agents
Other Freeh Sporkin & Sullivan clients
- Hired: 2019
- Latest Filing
- 2019 fees: $0
No currently registered agents
- Hired: 2020
- Latest Filing
Christian Bourge
Robert Stryk
Registered agents
Other Sonoran Policy Group clients
- Hired: 2018
- Latest Filing
- Hired: 2019
- New filing: June 2019
- New filing: Nov. 2019
- New filing: May 2020
- Latest Filing
Registered agents
- Hired: 2019
Registered agents
Trump’s gifts to Israel come at cost

Julian Pecquet
Julian Pecquet is the Editor of Special Projects for Al-Monitor, where he supervises the award-winning Lobbying Tracker as well as managing long-form stories. Before that he covered the US Congress for Al-Monitor. Prior to joining Al-Monitor, Pecquet led global affairs coverage for the political newspaper The Hill.
Posted: September 11, 2019
The Israeli government got everything it wanted and more from President Donald Trump in 2019.
The bill may come due in 2020.
After delighting Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his own Christian base with his Jerusalem move in 2017, Trump doubled down this year. He recognized Israeli sovereignty over the occupied Golan Heights in March, while turning the screws on Iran and punishing the Palestinians for refusing to participate in his Middle East peace plan.
“Over the years, Israel has been blessed to have many friends who’ve sat in the Oval Office,” Netanyahu told Trump at the White House signing of the Golan Heights proclamation. “But Israel has never had a better friend than you.”
The cozy relationship between the two leaders has delighted right-wing pro-Israel groups, some of which actively advocate for American Jews to break with the Democratic Party as it wrestles with the rise of pro-Palestinian voices in its ranks. Jewish voters remain strongly opposed to Trump (only 26% have a favorable view, according to a June poll of 1,006 adult American Jews from the American Jewish Committee), but are slightly more willing to give him credit for improving US-Israel relations (36% agree versus 59% who disagree).
“For those who care about Israel, the position of many elected Democrats has become anti-Israel,” the Republican Jewish Coalition wrote in a series of tweets defending Trump’s Aug. 20 comments calling American Jews who vote for Democrats “disloyal.”

The liberal J Street group has responded in kind, raising money for its 2020 presidential campaign fund with stickers that read “Disloyal to tyrants, to bigots, to Trump.”
But the increasingly naked partisanship is causing an existential crisis for traditional pro-Israel advocacy groups — and growing concerns within Netanyahu’s government itself.
"We must not intervene in the political disagreements in the United States,” Energy Minister Yuval Steinitz told Reshet Bet Radio when asked about Trump's statement. “We keep good relations with both the Democrats and Republicans, and we must continue to do so.”
That’s long been the mantra of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee. The largest US pro-Israel issue advocacy organization ($3.5 million in lobbying spending in 2018) owes its unrivaled reputation for success to its deep connections with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle bolstered by periodic trips to Israel conducted by its sister organization, the American Israel Education Foundation ($443,000 in 2018 for 40 trips by lawmakers and staff). When Reps. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., and Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., tried to organize an alternative trip to the occupied West Bank this year, AIPAC criticized Netanyahu’s government for denying them access, tweeting that “every member of Congress should be able to visit and experience our democratic ally Israel firsthand.”

With US taxpayers shelling out $3.8 billion in annual military aid to Israel — a fifth of the country’s defense budget — even Democrats critical of the two Muslim congresswomen’s stance in favor of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) movement have rallied to their defense. Their treatment has also prompted 2020 candidate Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., to renew his call to condition aid to Israel.

The deepening partisan rift has forced AIPAC and others to carefully calibrate their lobbying, while cutting into their success rate. On the Golan Heights issue, the group has defended Trump’s decision but tellingly declined to lobby for Republican-only House and Senate bills that would codify it into law. AIPAC has also struggled to pass one of its top priorities, legislation bolstering state-level anti-BDS laws, which remains stuck in the Democrat-controlled House amid free-speech concerns.
Main lobby:
$4 million
Total lobbying spending by AIPAC/AIEF for 2018
- Pompeo says settlements not illegal under international law
- Trump designates Jewish students a protected class
- US keeps up ‘maximum pressure’ on Iran
- Trump exacerbates partisanship over Israel
- House reaffirms support for two-state solution
- 2020 candidates seek to condition US military aid
How the 2020 Democratic candidates stack up on Israel
Bryant Harris
Netanyahu turns his back on Democrats, US Jews
Ben Caspit
Republicans push to lock in Trump’s shift on Golan Heights
Bryant Harris
- Trip: May 26, 2018 to June 3, 2018
15 staffers; $133,000
- Trip: June 30, 2018 to July 8, 2018
12 staffers; $180,000
- Trip: Aug. 4, 2018 to Aug. 12, 2018
12 staffers; $110,000
- Trip: May 24, 2019 to June 2, 2019
14 staffers; $213,000
- Trip: June 29, 2019 to July 7, 2019
13 staffers; $162,000
- Trip: July 27, 2019 to Aug. 4, 2019
11 staffers; $96,000
Rep. Steny Hoyer, D-Md.
Trip leader
- Rep. Colin Allred, D-Texas
- Rep. Ed Case, D-Hawaii
- Rep. Sean Casten, D-Ill.
- Rep. Gilbert Cisneros, D-Calif.
- Rep. Sharice Davids, D-Kan.
- Rep. Madeleine Dean, D-Penn.
- Rep. Antonio Delgado, D-N.Y.
- Rep. Ted Deutch, D-Fla.
- Rep. Lizzie Fletcher, D-Texas
- Rep. John Garamendi, D-Calif.
- Rep. Sylvia Garcia, D-Texas
- Rep. Jared Golden, D-Maine
- Rep. Jimmy Gomez, D-Calif.
- Rep. Vincente Gonzalez, D-Texas
- Rep. Jahana Hayes, D-Conn.
- Rep. Kendra Horn, D-Okla.
- Rep. Steven Horsford, D-Nev.
- Rep. Chrissy Houlahan, D-Penn.
- Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.
- Rep. Andy Kim, D-N.J.
- Rep. Ron Kind, D-Wis.
- Rep. Mike Levin, D-Calif.
- Rep. Tom Malinowski, D-N.J.
- Rep. Ben McAdams, D-Utah
- Rep. Lucy McBath, D-Ga.
- Rep. Joseph Morelle, D-N.Y.
- Rep. Joe Neguse, D-Colo.
- Rep. Chris Pappas, D-N.H.
- Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md.
- Rep. Max Rose, D-N.Y.
- Rep. Harley Rouda, D-Calif.
- Rep. Brad Schneider, D-Ill.
- Rep. Kim Schrier, D-Wash.
- Rep. Donna Shalala, D-Fla.
- Rep. Greg Stanton, D-Ariz.
- Rep. Haley Stevens, D-Hawaii
- Rep. Lori Trahan, D-Mass.
- Rep. David Trone, D-Md.
- Rep. Susan Wild, D-Pa.
Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif.
Trip leader
- Rep. Kelly Armstrong, R-N.D.
- Rep. Jim Baird, R-Ind.
- Rep. Troy Balderson, R-Ohio
- Rep. Ben Cline, R-Va.
- Rep. Michael Cloud, R-Texas
- Rep. John Curtis, R-Utah
- Ron Estes, R-Kan.
- Rep. Anthony Gonzalez, R-Ohio
- Rep. Lance Gooden, R-Texas
- Rep. Clay Higgins, R-La.
- Rep. Deborah Lesko, R-Ariz.
- Rep. Dan Meuser, R-Penn.
- Rep. Carol Miller, R-W.Va.
- Rep. Alexander Mooney, R-W.Va.
- Rep. Ralph Norman, R-S.C.
- Rep. Greg Pence, R-Ind.
- Rep. Guy Reschenthaler, R-Penn.
- Rep. Denver Riggleman, R-Va.
- Rep. John Rose, R-Tenn.
- Rep. Chip Roy, R-Texas
- Rep. Ross Spano, R-Fla.
- Rep. Pete Stauber, R-Minn.
- Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y.
- Rep. Bryan Steil, R-Wis.
- Rep. William Timmons, R-S.C.
- Rep. Michael Waltz, R-Fla.
- Rep. Steve Watkins, R-Kan.
- Rep. Ron Wright, R-Texas
- Trip: Aug. 10, 2018 to Aug. 18, 2018
15 staffers; $82,000
- Trip: Aug. 30, 2019 to Sept. 6, 2019
8 staffers; $41,000
- Trip: June 6, 2018 to June 14, 2018
1 staffer; $6,000
- Trip: Aug. 2, 2019 to Aug. 11, 2019
11 staffers; $73,000
- Trip: April 27, 2018 to May 5, 2018
7 staffers; $26,000
- Trip: Feb. 15, 2020 to Feb. 21, 2020
2 staffers; $7,600
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif.
Delegation leader
- Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla.
- Rep. Stephen Lynch, D-Mass.
- Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas
- Rep. Mario Diaz-Balart, R-Fla.
- Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C.
- Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev.
- Rep. Jody Hice, R-Ga.
- Rep. George Holding, R-N.C.
- Rep. Steve Knight, R-Calif.
- Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah
- Rep. Tom Rice, R-S.C.
- Rep. Dennis Ross, R-Fla.
- Rep. Scott Taylor, R-Va.
- Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C.
- Rep. Lee Zeldin, R-N.Y.
Rep. Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif.
Delegation leader
- Rep. Katherine Clark, D-Mass.
- Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas
- Rep. Rosa DeLauro, D-Conn.
- Rep. Jim Himes, D-Conn.
- Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, D-N.Y.
- Rep. Donald McEachin, D-Va.
- Rep. Jimmy Panetta, D-Calif.
- Rep. Jamie Raskin, D-Md.
- Rep. Jan Schakowsky, D-Ill.
- Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.


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