


Shiite Muslim devotees attend mourning rituals in Iraq's central holy shrine city of Karbala on August 23, 2024 ahead of the Arbaeen commemorations that mark the end of the 40-day mourning period for the seventh century killing of the Prophet Mohamed's grandson Imam Hussein ibn Ali. (Photo by Ali Abdul Wahid / Middle East Images / Middle East Images via AFP) (Photo by ALI ABDUL WAHID/Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images)
2024 年 8 月 23 日,什叶派穆斯林信徒在伊拉克中部圣地城市卡尔巴拉参加哀悼仪式,庆祝阿舒拉节纪念活动结束,该活动标志着对公元七世纪先知穆罕默德的孙子伊玛目侯赛因·伊本·阿里遇害的 40 天哀悼期结束。 — 法新社盖蒂图片社供图

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