
美国欢迎土耳其签署价值 230 亿美元的 F-16 战机协议

The Soloturk aerobatic demonstration team of the Turkish Air Force flies an F-16 aircraft over Anitkabir, the mausoleum of Turkish Republic's Founder Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, during celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the Republic of Turkey in Ankara, on October 29, 2023. Turkey marked its centenary as a post-Ottoman republic on October 29, 2023, with somewhat muted celebrations held in the shadow of Israel's escalating war with Hamas militants in Gaza. (Photo by Adem ALTAN / AFP) (Photo by ADEM ALT

安卡拉——美国国务院周四对土耳其签署正式信函表示欢迎,该信函批准向土耳其出售价值约230 亿美元的军售,其中包括 40 架新型 F-16 Block 70 战斗机,并称这是两国谈判的“重要一步”。

美国国务院发言人告诉 Al-Monitor:“美国欢迎土耳其签署购买 F-16 的要约和接受函。此次出售是对北约互操作能力的投资,将支持美国、土耳其和北约联盟的国家安全利益。”



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