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Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul's sentence upheld in Riyadh court

The women's rights activist had appealed her probation, which reportedly includes a five-year travel ban.

Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul is pictured on her way to the state security court in the Saudi capital Riyadh on March 10, 2021. The family of Saudi activist Loujain al-Hathloul said US President Joe Biden's election win helped secure her release after nearly three years' imprisonment, but cautioned she was still far from free. Hathloul, 31, was provisionally released by Saudi authorities on Wednesday. She was detained in May 2018 with about a dozen other women activists, just weeks before the kingdom's historic lifting of a decadeslong ban on female drivers, a reform they had long campaigned for. — RANIA SANJAR/AFP via Getty Images)

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