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Israeli settler attacks on church sanctities in Palestine continue amid lax international response

The Israeli settlers continue their attacks against Palestinian Muslim and Christian places of worship, the latest of which has been the attempt to set on fire the Church of All Nations in Jerusalem.

Israeli police and firefighters stand at the entrance of the Church of All Nations in the Garden of Gethsemane in east Jerusalem after an arson attempt, on December 4, 2020. - Israeli police said in a statement they were questioning a 49-year-old suspect who had "poured flammable liquid inside the church", causing damage. (Photo by Ahmad GHARABLI / AFP) (Photo by AHMAD GHARABLI/AFP via Getty Images)
Israeli police and firefighters stand at the entrance of the Church of All Nations in the Garden of Gethsemane after an arson attempt, East Jerusalem, Dec. 4, 2020. — Ahmad Gharabli/AFP via Getty Images

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