
How solar power has become a lifeline in Lebanon


Al-Monitor Pro members


Francisco Serrano

Journalist and analyst specialized in North Africa


Oct. 6, 2023

Bottom Line:

In Lebanon’s major cities and rural residencies, rooftop solar panels have been multiplying as businesses and households invest to secure their electricity supply. By mid-2023, Lebanon’s installed solar capacity surpassed 1,000MW compared to 90MW  installed over 2010-2020. Years of mismanagement and a deep economic crisis have bankrupted the state, leading to the collapse of state utility Electricité du Liban (EDL). Failing electricity supply from the state has left many Lebanese depending on expensive private generators. Now, independent deployment of solar energy is serving as a lifeline for commerce, industry and homes. But for solar energy to have a lasting impact on the Lebanese economy, a better legal framework and more financing will be required.  

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