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Russian position emboldens Iran in nuclear talks, says Dimitri Simes

Dimitri Simes, president and CEO of the Center for the National Interest and publisher of its foreign policy magazine, The National Interest, discusses the prospects for a diplomatic solution in Ukraine; the risks of miscalculation and escalation for both Russia and the West; why Russia’s stance on the JCPOA emboldens Tehran; how China could come out a winner from the crisis; and more!

Dimitri Simes, president and CEO of the Center for the National Interest and publisher of its foreign policy magazine, The National Interest, discusses the prospects for a diplomatic solution in Ukraine; the risks of miscalculation and escalation for both Russia and the West; why Russia’s stance on the JCPOA emboldens Tehran; how China could come out a winner from the crisis; and more!


-The Takeaway: Russia, Iran major cyberthreats targeting US, says intel community - Al-Monitor

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