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Israeli environment minister: Country at high risk over climate change  

Ben Caspit speaks this week with Environmental Protection Minister Tamar Zandberg. The minister explains that while Israel is a small country in terms of population and its contribution to global pollution, it is also very fragile in terms of the effects of climate change such as bush fires and floods. The latter are expected to increase heavily in the upcoming years, which is why Israel must react rapidly. Zandberg says that Israel must now invest most of its resources not in looking for more natural gas marine fields, but in developing renewable energy resources, with emphasis on solar energy. "We have to do this very quickly, because we are way, way behind," she notes.


-Israel, Jordan to sign solar/water cooperation deal in Dubai - Al-Monitor

-New environment minister has ambitious plans for Israel - Al-Monitor

-At OECD, Israel joins global battle against climate change - Al-Monitor