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High-tech investor Erel Margalit: Despite interests in Syria, Israel must stand with Ukraine, US 

Ben Caspit speaks this week with Israel's most prominent high-tech entrepreneur, former Knesset member Erel Margalit. Reacting on the current Ukraine crisis, Margalit warns that the dictatorial camp is also carrying out cyber attacks, which is why Israel must be a resolute partner to other free democracies fighting in this field, "especially as Israel is the second-strongest country in the world in cyber security warfare." While Margalit understands the Israeli need for coordinating with Russia in the Middle East, he is convinced that "every young Israeli who lives in a democracy, who cherishes the democracy, who wants to see people protected, needs to speak up, and the government needs to stop playing game and speak up clearly again the aggression of [Russian President Vladimir] Putin."


-Israel to join UN condemnation of Russian invasion - Al-Monitor

-Israel reluctantly condemns Russia over Ukraine - Al-Monitor

-Israelis Invest in Cybersecurity - Al-Monitor