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General Kuperwasser: Israel must hope for the collapse of Vienna Iran talks 

Ben Caspit speaks this week with Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser, currently the director of the Project on Regional Middle East Developments at the Jerusalem Center. Kuperwasser, who previously headed the strategic affairs ministry and also the IDF research division, is considered a top expert on Iran’s nuclear program. Kuperwasser says that, from Israel’s point of view, none of the current options regarding the Iranian nuclear program are good. “The option that should have been up for discussion – a better, longer, stronger agreement, that guarantees that Tehran will not be able to produce nuclear weapons in the future – this option is currently not on the table,” he laments. Given this reality, Kuperwasser argues that the only option Israel can hope for is the collapse of talks. A return to the original nuclear deal will offer Iran, in ten-years-time, the possibility to construct a whole arsenal of nuclear weapons. In contrast, without an agreement, Iran will strive to become a nuclear threshold country, aiming for one nuclear bomb, he explains.