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Former minister Ephraim Sneh warns Israeli, Palestinian extremists generating ethnic conflict  

Ben Caspit speaks this week with Gen. (ret.) Ephraim Sneh, a geopolitical expert and former minister. While the current government did change some of its approach to the Palestinians, it is not really presenting any new policies on the issue, argues Sneh. Only one third of the coalition is against the two-state solution. The rest are in favor of it. Still, the government had not prevented provocative settlement attempts in the West Bank. These include enlarging settlements around Jerusalem in order to separate the city from the area that is supposed to be a Palestinian state. "Meeting senior Palestinian Authority official Hussein al-Sheikh and Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas [the way Foreign Minister Yair Lapid and Defense Minister Benny Gantz did] is not enough in order to rectify the policies of the former government," he says, noting this by itself will not prevent the situation from deteriorating into an ethnic conflict. 


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