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Consul General Yaki Dayan: Israel should take clear position on Ukraine 

Ben Caspit speaks this week with Yaki Dayan, Israel’s former Consul General in Los Angeles and an expert on Israel-US relations. Dayan comments on reports about Prime Minister Naftali Bennett talking Sunday with Russian President Vladimir Putin by phone, offering for Israel to mediate the conflict. "Bennett truly believes he can negotiate, because he got the phone call from [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy. Zelenskyy wants to see the negotiations taking place outside of the zones of influence of Russia. Having said that, I do not think Putin would accept Bennett’s offer, because he does not want negotiations. He wants to see the white flag waved."


-Israel reluctantly condemns Russia over Ukraine - Al-Monitor

-Israeli foreign minister condemns Russian attack on Ukraine - Al-Monitor

-Israel straddles ties with US, Russia over Ukraine - Al-Monitor