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How the GCC states balance the US and China, and why the Gulf may prefer Trump over Biden

Al-Monitor contributor Sebastian Castelier discusses how the Gulf states balance their ties with both the US and China; why the GCC may prefer a Trump victory in the US presidential election; the impact of the Gulf economic downturn on migrant workers; the potential and limits of Israel’s normalization agreements with the UAE and Bahrain; the ‘lost opportunity’ of the GCC rail project and how repairing the Gulf rift would benefit the region; the prospects for Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030; change and reform in Oman and Kuwait; and the prospects for universal basic income in the Gulf. As US elections near, GCC states chart middle course between US and China For Arab youth, the future is in the Gulf Economic uncertainty looms after Kuwaiti emir's death

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How the GCC states balance the US and China, and why the Gulf may prefer Trump over Biden
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Al-Monitor contributor Sebastian Castelier discusses how the Gulf states balance their ties with both the US and China; why the GCC may prefer a Trump victory in the US presidential election; the impact of the Gulf economic downturn on migrant workers; the potential and limits of Israel’s normalization agreements with the UAE and Bahrain; the ‘lost opportunity’ of the GCC rail project and how repairing the Gulf rift would benefit the region; the prospects for Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030; change and reform in Oman and Kuwait; and the prospects for universal basic income in the Gulf.