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US Rep. Elissa Slotkin: US should be ‘clear eyed’ about Russian attempts to ‘thwart, target and engage’ US forces

Elissa Slotkin, US Representative from Michigan and a member of the House Armed Services Committee, discusses the threat from Russia to US interests in the Middle East and worldwide; the US-Israel partnership and differences on annexation;  why Congress matters on the use of force in the Middle East; US policy toward Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Turkey; and why you can’t separate national security and foreign policy. Related links: Engel is out — will the new foreign affairs chairman upend his Mideast policies? Intel: Democrats advance legislation to restrict Trump’s Middle East war powers Netanyahu's annexation plan turning into fiasco

Elissa Slotkin, US Representative from Michigan and a member of the House Armed Services Committee, discusses the threat from Russia to US interests in the Middle East and worldwide; the US-Israel partnership and differences on annexation;  why Congress matters on the use of force in the Middle East; US policy toward Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and Turkey; and why you can’t separate national security and foreign policy.

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