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Big Brother and the future of Israel’s democracy

This week Ben talks with Professor Karine Nahon, an associate professor of information science  and a prominent voice in the politics of information. Prof. Nahon says Israel’s democracy is not dying … yet.   Netanyahu sees last, best chance in fourth round of elections Israel advances bill for Shin Bet tracking of coronavirus carriers’ phones Netanyahu stands alone

This week Ben talks with Professor Karine Nahon, an associate professor of information science  at the Interdisciplinary Center at Herzliya, the president of the Israel Internet Association and chairwoman of the National Committee of Ethics, Regulation and Artificial Intelligence. Prof. Nahon says that while Israeli democracy isn’t dead yet, there are reasons to worry about its stability and future. The combination of mounting political pressure on Israel's gatekeepers, the use of the Shin Bet’s strategic tools to track Israeli citizens and the general feeling of emergency amid the coronavirus crisis are all pushing Israel’s fragile democracy to the brink.