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Episode #008: A Hollow Orb for the King

Phil and Cooper give a rundown on Trump's traveling travails, from Riyadh to Jerusalem. Also, a discussion regarding the tragic Manchester bombing and the extremist mindset. Seems like there's a lot of Tom Hanks references in this one. Can you find them all? 05:37 - Saudis trumpet Trump (Bruce Riedel) 12:12 - After Trump's Israel love offensive, will Bibi reach a deal with him? (Ben Caspit) 12:12 - Trump's peace process heavy on talk, light on details (Mazal Mualem) 15:33 - 20th-century Libyan jihadism's role in Manchester attack (Jason Pack) 23:13 - Lebanon's budding hashish business brings high returns (Fernanda van Tets) Song: The Wanton Bishops - Sleep With The Lights On (iTunes | Spotify)

Phil and Cooper give a rundown on Trump's traveling travails, from Riyadh to Jerusalem. Also, a discussion regarding the tragic Manchester bombing and the extremist mindset. Seems like there's a lot of Tom Hanks references in this one. Can you find them all?

Song: The Wanton Bishops - Sleep With The Lights On (iTunes | Spotify)