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Episode #001: Splish Splash, A Strike Against the Ba’ath

Phil and Cooper kick off the inaugural podcast with a breakdown of the Syrian Civil War, as well as the fallout from last week's sarin gas attack and the subsequent US missile strike on a Syrian air base. Also, Turks angry with a candy bar give United passengers a run for their money. 9:03 - 3 Russian theories on why the US hit Syria (Maxim Suchkov) 12:47 - Russia 'furious' with Assad over gas attack (Laura Rozen) 13:58 - Iranian officials give 'muted' response to US missile strike in Syria (Arash Karami) 15:22 - After chemical attack, Turkey renews calls for Assad's ouster (Barin Kayaoglu) 17:00 - Saudis have high hopes for Trump following Syria airstrike (Bruce Riedel) 19:36 - Following gas attack, Israel reassesses Syrian threat (Ben Caspit) 23:36 - Turkish candy giant gets not-so-sweet reaction to April Fools' Day ad (Mustafa Akyol)  Song: Omar Offendum - Damascus

Phil and Cooper kick off the inaugural podcast with a breakdown of the Syrian Civil War, as well as the fallout from last week's sarin gas attack and the subsequent US missile strike on a Syrian air base. Also, Turks angry with a candy bar give United passengers a run for their money.

 Song: Omar Offendum - Damascus