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Fatah wants Hamas to join PLO: Official

Fatah and Hamas will resume their reconciliation talks in China soon, but disagreements remain between the two groups.
A child waves the flag of Hamas as others wave the Fatah emblem during a solidarity march with the Palestinians of the Gaza Strip in the occupied West Bank city of Hebron on Oct. 27, 2023.

A senior official in Palestinian Fatah movement said on Thursday that the group wants Hamas to join the Palestine Liberation Organization as the two rivals gear up for more reconciliation talks amid the Gaza war.

Fatah official Muhammad Al-Lahham addressed the reconciliation talks between the group and Hamas in an interview with Al Arabiya. Lahham is a member Fatah’s Revolutionary Council, which serves as its legislative body.

Reconciliation talks

In the interview, Lahham said that Fatah has not asked Hamas to recognize Israel — only to join it in the PLO.

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