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Israel hands over Jordanian MP to home authorities

Israel agreed to release Jordanian parliamentarian Imad al-Adwan and send him back home, as long as Jordan pledged to continue investigation against him on suspicion of multiple smuggling incidents.
A car drives past a road signal indicating the Allenby (King Hussein) Bridge crossing point to Jordan (background), in the city of Jericho in the West Bank, on Jan. 28, 2021.

Jordanian parliament member Imad al-Adwan, arrested by Israeli authorities April 22 for allegedly smuggling arms, was released on Sunday from detention and handed over to Jordanian authorities for further investigation.

A statement issued by the Shin Bet said that "in the wake of the parliamentarian's questioning, Jordanian security forces arrested several people connected with the smuggling. Adwan was handed over to the Jordanian officials for legal proceedings to be continued in Jordan." Jordan's Foreign Ministry confirmed on Sunday the transfer of Adwan to Jordanian authorities at the Allenby Bridge crossing, where he was first arrested.

Adwan was caught at the Allenby Bridge with 194 handguns and 12 assault rifles as he was heading into the West Bank in his vehicle. The investigation of the Shin Bet revealed he had smuggled various types of contraband into the West Bank 12 times since February 2022, including firearms, birds, doves, electronic cigarettes and gold, using his diplomatic passport. The investigation also revealed he had received large sums of money for his actions, and that his motives were primarily financial, not related to Palestinian nationalism.

Adwan was handed over to Jordanian authorities despite the two countries not having an extradition agreement. According to Haaretz, Amman heavily pressured Israeli authorities to release Adwan, pledging it would take the necessary steps to follow up on the investigation. The Israeli military court located at the Ofer military base near Ramallah had decided April 30 to extend the detention of Adwan by eight days, after which Israeli authorities did not request further extension of the detention.

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