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In Israel, high voting rates by noon at general elections

Israelis might be tired and fed up with the fifth election round in less than four years, but according to reports so far many of them are going to the polling stations to vote today.
Israeli President Isaac Herzog and his wife Michal are seen voting in the general elections, Jerusalem, Nov. 1 2022.

Israel’s Central Elections Committee announced a short while ago that as of 12 p.m. local time, 1,925,393 Israelis had voted at polling stations, i.e., 28.4% of eligible voters. It is the highest noon voting rate seen in Israel since the 1999 elections. In comparison, 25.4% of eligible voters had cast their vote by the same time in the March 2021 elections.

The high voting rate was visible already earlier this morning, when the Central Elections Committee announced that by 10 a.m., 15.9% of eligible voters had arrived to the polling stations, the highest number in Israeli elections for that hour since 1981. In the last elections, 14.8% of eligible voters exercised their right to vote by that time.

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