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Israel slams possible Iran nuclear deal without criticizing US

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett warns of the emerging Vienna agreement on Iran, but observers say Israel has little or no leverage to change it.
Bennett Lapid

Reports pouring in from Vienna seem to indicate that a new nuclear agreement between Iran and the P5+1 will be signed within just a few days. This presents Israel’s new leadership with a serious political and diplomatic challenge.

Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, unlike his predecessor Benjamin Netanyahu, prefers to avoid conflict with the Biden Administration, despite reports that the US is eager to reach an agreement at just about any cost. Last month, Bennett said in an interview that he would not oppose any agreement between Iran and the major world powers. “We are not automatic naysayers. We’re taking a practical approach. Unlike others, we’re not looking to fight for the sake of fighting; rather, we’re trying to bring a result.”

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