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Lobbying 2014: Jordan counts on US for support in rough neighborhood

Resource-poor and challenge-rich Jordan is turning to the United States for extra support as its warring neighbors threaten the country’s very existence.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry looks out of a helicopter's window at Mrigeb al-Fuhud refugee camp July 18, 2013. Kerry spent about 40 minutes with half a dozen refugees who vented their frustration at the international community's failure to end Syria's more than two-year-old civil war, while visiting the Zaatari refugee camp that holds roughly 115,000 Syrian refugees in Jordan about 12 km (eight miles) from the Syrian border. REUTERS/Mandel Ngan/Pool (JORDAN - Tags: POLITICS) - RTX11QF7

Jordan, resource-poor and challenge-rich, is turning to the United States for extra support as its warring neighbors threaten the country’s very existence.

The Hashemite Kingdom’s survival is a priority for the administration of President Barack Obama, and it has set aside $388 million to help the country cope with the influx of 600,000 Syrian refugees. Congress has followed suit, with the House and Senate spending panels voting to maintain the $660 million annual aid package next year even after a five-year assistance deal expires.

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