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Israel's constituency of conscience

Israel's "constituency of conscience" emerges when its leaders eulogize Nelson Mandela while Palestinian residents are oppressed and dispossessed — and that is a hopeful sign for the future.
Former South African president Nelson Mandela (R) speaks to journalists
next to Israeli Deputy Prime Minister Shimon Peres (L) outside his
office after their meeting in Johannesburg, September 3, 2002, during
the World Summit on Sustainable Development. REUTERS/Juda Ngwenya


Israel's constituency of conscience has always been there. It surfaces in an authentic and forceful manner when Israeli’s government leaders seek to celebrate "democratic credentials." The evidence of this was clearly demonstrated when President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu eulogized Nelson Mandela.

On Dec. 8 and 9 respectively, Gideon Levi and Amira Hass each wrote articles in Haaretz newspaper. One was titled “Mandela's mission is not yet complete” and the other “What does ‘Israeli Apartheid’ mean, anyway?”

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