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Iran FM Zarif outlines ideas to exit nuclear dispute

Iran's Foreign Minister Mohammed Javad Zarif has said that throughout the last two month of nuclear talks he has proposed mechanisms be put in place to address the P5+1's concern of Iran acquiring a nuclear weapon, while noting that Iran must be allowed to reach its objective of retaining a peaceful nuclear energy program.
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif addresses a news conference following nuclear negotiations with European Union's foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton, who is leading talks with Iran on behalf of the six world powers, at the United Nations in Geneva October 16, 2013. Iran called two days of nuclear talks with six world powers, United States, Russia, France, Britain, Germany and China, that ended on Wednesday "fruitful" and said it hoped for a new phase in relations. He said two sides had for t

Istanbul __ Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Friday he believes Iran and six world powers should accept each other's chief objectives as their own in order to resolve concerns about Iran's nuclear program.

"On the nuclear issue, I believe the problem we have faced in the last ten years is we have both seen the nuclear issue as a zero sum game; we have articulated two seemingly opposing objectives, and each tried to make gains for one objective seemingly at the expense of the others," Zarif told an audience of Middle East nonproliferation specialists convened in Istanbul Friday by the Pugwash conference on nuclear disarmament.

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