Syrian musicians carve out small space in Istanbul’s live music scene Istanbul’s Syrian-run small art spaces have become a conduit of connection between locals and the refugee population through music amid high running anti-refugee sentiment across the country. Syria
Energy company touts oil-for-food scheme as Syrian aid route tightens With Syria's sole remaining route for cross-border aid in peril, a London-based oil company is lobbying for an initiative that would see the proceeds of Syrian oil being used for aid, with the money going to the UN rather than Damascus. Syria
Syrian children in Turkey lose touch with Arabic language The new generation of Syrian refugees in Turkey prefer to speak Turkish rather than Arabic in order not to be discriminated against. Syria
Egyptian tourists unwelcome in south Sinai as Israelis visit in droves Israeli tourists are flocking to south Sinai while Egyptians are being forced to turn back, in violation of the law and the constitution. Egypt
Arab representation vanishes from Israeli parties The announcement of Minister of Regional Cooperation Issawi Freij that he will not run on the Meretz party list in the upcoming election could be a devastating blow to Arab representation in Jewish/Arab mixed parties. Israel
TikTok launches new program for Israeli startups With one billion users worldwide and Israeli startup companies growing by the minute, TikTok has launched a special program to assist Israeli entrepreneurs. Israel
Israeli leaders ask Palestinian president for 'calm' ahead of Biden visit Israeli Prime Minister Yair Lapids says he would not rule out a meeting with Palestnian President Mahmoud Abbas. Israel