Turkey’s AKP: Who jumped ship and why The recent resignations from Turkey’s Justice and Development Party (AKP) and the explanations given to them by the departing members point to an increasingly isolated Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Turkey
Turkey declares vanishing truck to Syria 'state secret' Turkey’s government has used the "state secret" shield to conceal the cargo of a truck suspected of transporting arms to Syria and banished the prosecutor who attempted to search the vehicle. Syria
New focus on child brides in Turkey Turkey needs to take more aggressive action to reduce its number of child brides. Turkey
Erdogan mishandles Kurdish files Turkey should consider a more balanced and less personalized approach to dealing with the Kurdish question. Iraq
No second act for American troops in Iraq The United States has finally shifted away from regime change in Syria and toward addressing the terrorist threat that is consuming Iraq. Saudi Arabia
Erdogan under pressure as Syrian crisis spreads to Iraq Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has limited regional influence and few good options as the pressure builds to slow the spread of the Syria war. Syria
Liberman’s land swap proposal shakes up peace talks Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman pulled out this week in perfect timing his 10-year-old plan for a land swap, which is both innovative and original and should give a boost to the stalemated peace talks. Palestine
Residents of Umm al-Fahm affirm Arab-Israeli identity Residents of Umm al-Fahm say that, regardless of their affiliation with the Palestinian cause, they identify themselves as Israeli citizens and object to a land-swap plan that will annex them to a future Palestine, as Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Liberman suggests. Palestine
Russia's Syria policy linked to Chechnya, terrorism The United States and Russia cooperate to combat terrorism in Syria. Syria
Hamas, Egypt ties hit new low Hamas has accused Egypt's rulers of using the Palestinian group as a scapegoat to distract the Egyptian people from internal woes. Palestine
In 'Rumi’s field': can US and Iran meet in a place beyond nuclear program? The United States and Iran must relearn the craft of diplomacy for their relationship to secure benefits for both sides. Iran
The crisis of Iraqi 'democracy' Many in Iraq have grown to despise the concept of "democracy" over the last 10 years because of the country’s limited experience with it and their failure to build a true, consensual democracy. Iraq
Syrian education a casualty of war Syria’s education sector has suffered a heavy blow from the fighting, as security concerns, internally displaced students and the emigration of professors abroad has led to a sharp drop in the level of education in the country. Syria
Yemen-Saudi love story highlights political tensions The recent story of a Yemeni man and a Saudi woman who fell in love and fled to Yemen highlights long-standing political and social tensions between their two neighboring states. Saudi Arabia
More unmarried couples living together in Iran Younger Iranians are beginning to break old taboos by cohabitating without marriage. Turkey
The trials of Turkey’s legal system The AKP-Gulen conflict spills over into the retrial of the Ergenekon case. Turkey