Gaza As Seen Through the Lenses Of Gaza's Cameras The Palestine Photo-Marathon gives Gaza photographers "a chance to show how they see Palestine,” Lena Odgaard reports. Palestine
Palestinian Non-Violence Subject Of New Graphic Novel Dalia Hatuqa reviews the book based on Julia Bacha’s award-winning documentary about the story of Budrus’ nonviolent protest against the wall. Palestine
Saudi Arabia Clamps Down On Dissent Haytham Mouzahem asks whether recent Saudi actions are tied to efforts to quell sectarian dissent and contain any spillover from either the Shiite-based uprising in Bahrain or the Syrian crisis. Saudi Arabia
Turkish Parliament Faces Deadline On Draft Constitution Cornered by Prime Minister Erdogan's electoral calendar, Cemil Cicek announced a deadline for the Parliamentary Constitution Reconciliation Commission to finalize its work, writes Tulin Daloglu. Turkey
Is Palestinian Media A Special Case? Daoud Kuttab reports on the state of Palestinian media. Palestine
Sanctions May Scuttle Compromise Between Iran and P5+1 Iran must take into account congressional resistance to lifting US sanctions when negotiating about its nuclear program, writes Shahir ShahidSaless. Iran
Is Netanyahu Losing Control of Likud? Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu may be presiding over the Likud party's decline, writes Mazal Mualem. Israel
Turkey's Liberal Divide Mustafa Akyol analyzes the state of the left in Turkey and the issues that divide it. Turkey
World Press Freedom DayPuts Turkey in Spotlight The US Department of State's annual human rights report refers to the limitations on freedom of the press in Turkey, writes Yavuz Baydar. Turkey
UN Forces on Israel’s Borders Confront Uncertain Future Geoffrey Aronson writes from Cairo that while Egypt and Israel appear to be weathering the storm, for now, not so for Israel and Syria, with implications for UN forces tasked with keeping the peace. Egypt
No Incentive for Turkey, Armenia To Normalize Relations The Armenian genocide issue will not play a role in the normalizing of Armenia-Turkey relations, Cengiz Candar writes. Turkey
Exclusive: Hamas' Meshaal Says Latest US Peace Efforts 'Will Fail' In an exclusive telephone interview with Adnan Abu Amer for Al-Monitor, Khaled Meshaal, the head of Hamas's political bureau, spoke about US efforts to revive the Palestinian-Israeli peace process and more. Palestine
Israel’s Strategic Reset Israel is reconsidering its new strategic approach to the region in the context of US policies toward Iran, Syria, Egypt and Israeli-Palestinian peace, writes Ben Caspit. Egypt
Hamas Enforces Quiet Border With Israel Alon Ben David writes: That Hamas hasn’t replenished its supply of rockets lately is further proof of an ideological turnabout underway in the movement. Palestine
Muslim, Jewish, Christian Chefs Cook for Peace in Jerusalem Muslim, Jewish and Christian chefs came together to cook for regional diplomats in a recent multicultural Jerusalem dinner event in the latest project by Chefs for Peace, reports Saideh Jamshidi. Palestine
Turkey’s Trouble at the Border The longer the Syrian civil war goes on, the more Turkey is challenged by both its deteriorating border security and the Syrian refugee crisis, writes Tulin Daloglu. Turkey