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Turkey's elite get lenient treatment in post-coup probes

The apparent leniency accorded to figures linked to the ruling Justice and Development Party in Turkey’s post-coup investigations points to double standards.

Turkish riot police detain a protester during a demonstration against the arrest by Turkish authorities of an academic and a teacher who have been on a hunger strike, in Ankara, on May 23, 2017.
Turkish authorities detained an academic and a teacher in Ankara who have been on a hunger strike for over two months in protest against their dismissal in the purge that followed last year's failed coup, media reported on May 22. Nuriye Gulmen and Semih Ozakca were sacked under the state of emergency imposed after
Turkish riot police detain a protester during a demonstration against the arrest by Turkish authorities of an academic and a teacher who have been on a hunger strike, Ankara, Turkey, May 23, 2017. — ADEM ALTAN/AFP/Getty Images

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