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Egypt says cooperation continues with Ethiopia on Nile Basin projects

In an interview with Al-Monitor, Egyptian Minister of Water Resources and Irrigation Mohamed Abdul Muttalib says that Egypt has not stopped bilateral cooperation with Ethiopia over the Renaissance Dam dispute.

An ariel view of the semi-functional Inga dam on the Congo River October 22, 2006. With a flow second only to the Amazon, the mighty Congo river spews forth 1.5 million cubic feet (42.5 million litres) into the Atlantic every second. Experts say it could generate over 40,000 megawatts (MW) of electricity -- more than twice the projected capacity of China 's massive Three Gorges Dam, and a major step to keeping up with fast-growing demand for electricity in Africa and beyond. Picture taken October 22, 2006.
Egypt is looking into the possibility of moving Congo River water to the Nile basin; this is an arial view of the semi-functional Inga dam on the Congo River, Oct. 22, 2006. On March 20, the World Bank's board approved a $73 million grant to help the Democratic Republic of Congo develop an expansion of the dam.

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