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Is the US a threat to Israel?

US efforts to crack the Israeli drone encryption system have caused some to question whether or not America is still an ally of Israel.

Israeli soldiers look at an IAI Eitan, also known as the Heron TP, surveillance unmanned air vehicle (UAV) on display at Tel Nof Air Force Base near Tel Aviv February 21, 2010. An Israeli air force officer said the Israeli-made drone is larger than any other drone and can fly at higher altitudes, while carrying more weight including advanced technological systems. The officer said the drone's main advantage was its longer flying time, estimated at 20 hours. REUTERS/Gil Cohen Magen (ISRAEL - Tags: TRANSPORT
Israeli soldiers look at an IAI Eitan, also known as the Heron TP, surveillance unmanned air vehicle (UAV) on display at Tel Nof Air Force Base near Tel Aviv, Feb. 21, 2010. — REUTERS/Gil Cohen Magen

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